February 8 2024 Monthly Meeting

There were lots of activities at our February 8 Monthly Meeting (view the photos of our meeting). Besides the usual refreshments of pizza and drinks courtesy of the Murrays, Boy’s […]

There were lots of activities at our February 8 Monthly Meeting (view the photos of our meeting). Besides the usual refreshments of pizza and drinks courtesy of the Murrays, Boy’s Cub Scout Troop 125 was present. Greg Filak presented picture/plaque from October Flag Retirement Ceremony to the Veterans Club of Celebration with 10 cub scouts up front of the room honoring our wonderful organization. Thanks Scout Troop 125!

Larry Dotson – local Celebration artist – passed out beautiful courtesy prints to our club members ($35 value) which was very much appreciated by all. Thanks Larry!

A new member joined us this evening! Welcome Ron Settino (US Navy).

A superb video of Medal of Honor recipient, Chesty Puller, Marine Corps legend was viewed by the club. Chesty Puller served as both officer and enlisted, and was the most decorated Marine of all time!

We also had a guest speaker – Joel Johnson, USMC, who gave us a absolutely wonderful briefing on his volunteer efforts and how it help our veterans with Healing Warriors at Wind River Ranch in Colorado that has over 110 acres and 101 horses.

Magician extraordinaire, Joe Mericka, delighted us with an array of magical tricks that had our audience laughing in amazement.

Our new club website, celebrationveterans.com was presented to our audience by our Public Information Officer, Dennis Kaszynski. 

A reminder was made to the club that visitations will occur on 2/13/24 at 10am where we meet at Windsor front lobby.

A Few more event reminders were made: Shades of Green Breakfast – 2/17/24, Celebration Little League – need volunteers to throw first pitch – 2/24/24.

Upcoming dates for your calendar:

1. Next general meeting is at March 14, 2024 at 6:30pm with refreshments and pizza at 6:00 pm.
2. Honor Flight – April 27, 2024. Three Celebration residents will be attending this flight to DC.
3. Pig Roast – need volunteers to serve on committee – talk to Jaime Eriks to volunteer
4. Picnic – May 10, 2024: set up at 2pm; May 11 – picnic event day
5. Memorial Day Ceremony – May 25, 2024

Please be reminded that the Color Guard need more volunteers. Please contact us at celebrationveterans@gmail.com if you’d like to participate.


1. Current Membership: 121 total (42 Life, 13<85, 66 Regular)
2. Challenge Coins – bought 100 more coins. Cost is $10 each for members, $15 each for non-members.
3. We have a new vendor for our Club Shirts and a much lower price of $17.50. Please talk to Pat Wells at the next meeting to order your shirts or email us at celebrationveterans@gmail.com and we’ll assist you with your shirt order.

Thanks to all presenters and club members for joining us at our February meeting! We hope to see you in March as well.