What we do in the Veterans Club of Celebration Auxiliary

As the saying goes, “Behind Every Man is A Good Women.” February’s article will be devoted to our Auxiliary.  The Auxiliary is composed of spouses and any person related to […]

As the saying goes, “Behind Every Man is A Good Women.” February’s article will be devoted to our Auxiliary.  The Auxiliary is composed of spouses and any person related to a veteran. Both women and men support our Veterans Club members. The Auxiliary have their own Board. They hold their own membership meetings and have their own budget, which they use to support and give assistance to Veterans in the community. The Auxiliary work side by side and provide support to the Veterans Club members in their activities such as the Annual BBQ and Pig Roast and Veterans Club Annual Dinner.  As club members march in the Fourth of July and Veterans Day parades, our Auxiliary takes pictures as well as sit and cheer as we go by providing moral support.  The same support is given to us at the Memorial Day and Veterans Day flag raising ceremonies.

The Auxiliary also provides their own support and dedication to Veterans by providing funds to the following Veterans programs:

  • Phone Cards provided to USO so that Veterans can call home, etc.
  • Fisher House for supplies needed such as paper products, sheets, etc. for families that stay there while their loved one is being taking care of at Lake Nona VA Medical Center
  • Provide monetary gift to Pawsitive Action Foundation (PAF), which trains dogs and provide to Veterans and people with different abilities assistance in completing everyday tasks and assimilating back into society after a traumatic event.
  • Sending Celebration High School JRROTC Cadets to Cadet Leadership Course
  • Provided 30 holiday gift bags to the Veterans of CLC Sunrise and Oaktree Units at Lake Nona VA Medical Facility. These Veterans live on the property full time.
  • Provide scholarships to a deserving ROTC student/students and even children/grandchildren of our Veterans Club members
  • Spend time cutting coupons to send to Veterans overseas

As you can see, our Auxiliary members tirelessly devote their time and effort to providing support to Veterans all over.  There are not enough words to express all they do for the members of the Veterans Club of Celebration.

So, here is to you, Veterans Club Auxiliary, the men and women of the Veterans Club of Celebration take their hats off and say thank you sincerely for all you do.